For those claiming a leadership role at any level as well as those carrying the tag "consultant" after their name there is an acronym worth burning into your brain: W.A.I.T. "Why Am I Talking."
We have a word--several, actually, and none are "family friendly" sobriquets--for people who consistently fail to understand that nothing they will ever say is as important as that which they will hear. Some of the more gentle terms are: Overbearing, arrogant, meddling, pushy, and offensive.
Leading and mentoring (the heart of any consultancy) requires a different approach... a different personality type and, it's not just about "style," it's about substance. Ask questions (intelligent and pointed), listen carefully--small, subtle things can be of great importance (care about the person's ideas), then respond appropriately (be social and carry on a two-way conversation).
The point is to connect, not dominate; learning is a mutual activity. You can not expect anyone to learn from you if you can not learn from them.
Posted by: William W. (Woody) Williams
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