Sunday, May 24, 2009

Quotes from the Boss

Project sponsor commenting on results from GUI design session, "I guess with enough practice, any interface is intuitive."

"You get the guys started coding. I'll go find out what the client wants." ~ VP to Project Mangager

"Teamwork is a lot of people doing exactly what I say." ~The Boss

Program Manager and VP discussing potential projects.

VP: "This is a good concept and there's a huge value proposition to it. Unfortunately, we looked at doing the same thing last but decided not to fund the effort."

PM: "Really? That's interesting: Why did you kill the project?"

VP: "Well... we decided it was too hard."

PM: [pause] "This project means millions in ROI and about the same in cost savings. We're not doing it because it's hard?"

VP: [pause] "Yes."

PM: "Should we rethink that?"

VP: "No. It's too hard."

"640K ought to be enough for anybody." -- Bill Gates, 1981

Programmer: "This design isn't going to work. We were wrong in our assumptions and we can't deliver it."

Manager: "What will it take to change the project documentation and make it read like we knew this from the start?"

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